Photo by Shraddha Agrawal on Unsplash

A Walk on the Beach Under a Navy Blue Sky

An evening in the islands: a prose poem

Marilyn Wolf
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2022


We had dinner on the beach — been in the islands for a few weeks now — walking eating drinking strolling talking sitting meeting locals and other tourists — we were both satiated slightly drunk and really really calm — the

smells of cooking food people around us the ocean birds fish both inhaling slowly with small smiles — fingers touching not intertwining that seems too much for this time this beach this evening — shoes off feeling the floor’s sandy grit — music playing somewhere not close island tunes entertaining us and others — we watch the birds swoop for treats a small dog decides to compete has to be brave with that many gulls — a final sip of wine drains our glasses — we

put our shoes back on rise slowly intertwine our arms drift toward the beach — the feel and sound of our shoes on boardwalk cement steps sand — shoes come off toes into the sand we walk for awhile — who knows how long — the sky gets darker the moon is bright we don’t talk — walk into the waves let it wash over our ankles and clothes — no people but us we sit listen to the waves rush — the sky is a dozen shades of navy blue — a million stars in every direction the moon on the water —our contentment joins the wispy clouds over the water — perfect.



Marilyn Wolf

Poet, author, wanderer, always curious. In Celebration of the Death of Faeries is her first book; she is currently editing a second.