Airport: A Prose Poem

2nd Friday Prompt: travel tales

Paroma Sen


Photo by Jue Huang on Unsplash

The need for space cloaks around me

My silence lengthening with every breath

Claustrophobia rings in my ears

Trapped again in yet another airport

Aren’t the airports bored of seeing me yet?

How many hours have I spent pacing them

Every corner of every country every hub major city

Restless clock gazing people watching window shopping

The words within me all dried up and boycotting me

Hungry, until I get to line of sight of food, and then hunger disappearing suddenly

Just as suddenly as it appeared, causing me to uproot my devices in search of food I didn’t know I didn’t want

Early mornings late nights mid-days, they are all the same here

Time hangs on like a leech, sucking my blood dry

Kids screaming, because kids can scream, wish I could too

Everything reeking of same-old same-old

I’ve walked the length and breadth of the terminal and there’s no more to walk

Flights delayed, connections too long, and the very amusing “we don’t have a pilot for your



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”