alien in disguise

nowhere to go, nowhere to hide

Jonah Angeles
2 min readDec 22, 2020


Photo by Olena (Source: Adobe Stock)
Source: Soundcloud, performed by author

nowhere to go
nowhere to hide

they know where you live
alien in disguise

the CIA is looking for you
alien in disguise

they do not want you to coexist with us
alien in disguise

to them, you are a threat
alien in disguise

to them, you are not one of us
alien in disguise

look around

you are surrounded by those
who are different from you

I know how it feels to feel alienated

unlike the rest
alien in disguise

and though it is my sworn duty to track you down,
I must say I sense a kindred spirit in you

I know what it’s like to have to hide
who you truly are
alien in disguise

you are a fellow lost soul like me —
just searching for a home,
a place to belong,
a place to be yourself

perhaps I can help you find your way home
alien in disguise

perhaps I can help you find
a place where you no longer have to hide

unfortunately, that place is not Earth — it’s

it’s not safe to be yourself here



Jonah Angeles

Nostalgic futurist. Creative nonfictioner. Disgruntled millennial. //