
Alone you come, alone you go

The sooner you learn, the sooner you grow

Shireen Sinclair
Published in
1 min readFeb 20, 2024


Photo by Warren on Unsplash

Alone you come, alone you go
And so the clock ticks certain
Many bothers, a seldom joys
A mighty feat, a task forgotten

Alone you come, alone you go
Quenching loneliness with someone
Along the way, you meet many a foe
Realizing you were better off alone

Alone you come, alone you go
Alternating friendships with a pet
One day he goes forlorn
You pick yourself up and move on

Alone you come, alone you go
Building bridges that tumble down
Meeting fates that make you temporarily content
You end up with a drink and a sword to pen thought

Alone you come, alone you go
With time you learn to depend on no one
You learn to find solutions alone
Wonder if this is independence or embitterment

Whatever it is, it is relieving
Knowing you are fittest when you no longer are lonesome
When loneliness meets creativity
Is when you no longer are alone

Still, alone you come, alone you go
Every passing year teaches one to be alone
Every resource at hand enables you to do so
The sooner you learn, the sooner you grow

Alone you come, alone you go



Shireen Sinclair

Artist, mother, writer, immigrant, nurse, seasoned struggler, struggling my way here to motivate others to accept change and start afresh at any point in life.