An Abstract Wait

Ashish Jha 'Boatman'
Published in
Jan 16, 2024

A Poem

An Abstract Wait. Image by Bing AI.

The door left ajar
For the time gone by long back.
Here I wait, and write.

That stillness against
The sound of the roaring sea;
To come, sit with me.

That solemn silence
The firm rock-like will to win;
To sit, be with me

As words come floating,
Soaked in fragrance of the past,
Here I sit, and write.

I write to feel connected
With the days bygone,
As I start afresh
On a journey still unknown.



Ashish Jha 'Boatman'

I write about my reflections on life. Occasionally, I try short stories. Writer for Scrittura.