An Empty Verse

A Poem About Nothing

Jeff Burton
2 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I think
I have nothing left to say

As I approach seventy,
My muse has left me

For sixty years
I have written songs and poetry
At a frantic pace
But now,
If I try to force the effort,
I create works that I do not like,
Works that echo what I have already said,
And said much better

You might suppose,
Given my history,
This is an effect of one of my regular depressive episodes

But I don’t feel depressed

In fact,
I feel a sense of completion,
A satisfaction, with my body of work,
And a sense that it is mostly behind me now

My psychiatrist has encouraged me
To share my work,
To put beauty into the world,
To play my part

I am happy to do so

It means that I curate my existing work
And mute most of the expressions
Of depression and mental anguish
That I have written

They served their purpose
Which was my own therapy

My romance with words,
A gift from my father,
Has grown cold
And now
I find my solace in silence

My favourite Marx brother
Used to be Groucho
with his caustic verbal wit

It is Harpo
With his beatific face
And his joyous, boundless silence



Jeff Burton

An older Australian poet and author who ought to know better by now but does not. He expects to be famous after he is dead.