Apart But Together

A poem

Aasma Gupta
1 min readNov 15, 2021


“I love you
as certain dark things
are to be loved,
in secret,
between the shadow
and the soul”
~ Pablo Neruda


Even after the thousand raging storms
I couldn’t resist the one you brought

It was hell and heaven all at once
I knew I shouldn’t have brought you close.
But as the way lead us together
I realized I had gained the spur, I had never

And now that my thoughts lay intertwined
And everything else has collapsed inside my eyes

The sight of you gives hope for a new begin
And I lay my hands on your shoulders and rethink,

If being with you is hell or heaven,
If loving you is hell or heaven,
If you are the right decision,
I have led and blessed myself with your love
Or if it’s a threat.

Yet for now, I love your hands on my shoulders too
Your thoughts intertwined inside your mind as mine do

Twisted with the tinted emotions
You and I are held
Yet together.

© Aasma Gupta 2021



Aasma Gupta

Poetry. Philosophical Articles. A pinch of Fiction. Life. Death. Love. — A learner with a pen and paper!