Beautiful Love

Amna Fiaz
Published in
1 min readAug 24, 2020
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

A Poem

I am waiting for you
with open arms, in the night
under the bed of stars and
the radiant moonlight,

every worry of the world and
all the burdens you carry,
with strong gust of wind
will pass away into the dark

Let me steal your fears
and let me erase away your sorrow,
with the true love’s kiss
you will forget your grief,

I am waiting for your lips
for the warmth of your embrace
Every challenge of time, together
as one, we will bravely face

My beautiful love, I call you
over the seas, and through the oceans
hear my call, answer me
I am waiting for you as
you wait for me

@Amna Fiaz 2020



Amna Fiaz

An enthusiast writing about life, emotions and expressions that wants to be able to talk and be heard.