A bird’s song

31 March 2021 poetry prompt

Annine Massaro


Photo by ankita menon on Unsplash

Waking engulfed in busy silence, looking at the space around the bed, a stumbling thought in my head, of morning free to pen, decisions, decisions,

brain clicking to routine, but the music is loud in catching my ear, pulling thoughts to the window light streaming, my body basking in the beautiful echoing sound, of a single songed player

her story calling, for satisfying conversations to ease the solitude, the cell distractions ringing, talking without touching sparks an ally, in the divinely paged flight, that has yet to touch down.

Annine Massaro ©2021, all rights reserved

In response to J.D. Harms’ prompt, where do the stories end up?



Annine Massaro

Lover of the divinity found in words through poetry. I write bc it is my passion. I write to feel whole and inspired. https://www.facebook.com/anninemassaro