Brittle Directions

4th Friday Prompt: instruments of direction

Paroma Sen


Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Directions are critical;
you need a compass
to know where you’re going

So when you wake in muddy water
you will know which way is up
and which way is down

Directions are critical —
north, south, up, down, right, left,
a map, compass, or gps

Anything will do when you’re lost —
as long as you don’t have to ask
for directions, speak to another human

The explanation would be bloody murder
Hey there! I am lost, yes lost again,
can you give me a hand…?

I might be lost again tomorrow, and
the day after. Can you stay where
I can find you; can you just be?

Can you be the pillar that I can hold on
to, can you be where I can find you?
Can you just stay?

Because it is hell when I am lost
and I don’t like how it feels
and I would rather not feel that way again



Paroma Sen

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”