Broken Bodies: Free Verse-Prose Poem

Saturday Poetry Prompt: cutting up the forms

J.D. Harms


Hedged our bets
and smoked the wrong weeds
knees displaced
humerus and radia split
chalk white against

The skull fractures just by looking at
it the wrong way

Phalanges are the extensions
of pens
paper the skin folded
inside out

taking in air
with lungs lifting
like air bags beneath
the old barn

Images crawl over the eyes — flies to some sort of life — speaking out of turn, the turns become expansions, become — GET ME OUT OF THIS — only all the ears are deaf and stolen, hanging around lovely necks that scorn the bestial sun by tucking themselves behind that curtain of strands —

sinews gouged out by dark scalpels — ruined by the blood and water all over them — inches towards defeat and re-evaluation — stomach grumbling about the usual suspects — why it doesn’t belong here blown up…



J.D. Harms

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.