Scrittura Wednesday Poetry Prompt

Cliché Cacaphony

and turning truisms topsy-turvy

Wry Welwood
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2023


Leopard hanging out on acacia branch.
Image by Monika from Pixabay


My mind is like a steel trap
rusted wide open in the mountains,
trigger plate and spring
mostly oxidized red rust
pounded into soil by rainstorms.
Increasingly thoughts dwell as molecules

amidst the chloroplasts
of hare bells and heal-all.
What’s left of the once jagged jaws
lost its edges long ago,
eroded into roundness
like the ancient Adirondacks,

giant relations in a grand circle
about the tiny circle
of iron going home.

~ Wry Welwood
Late twentieth century,
re-edited April 28, 2021,
69th birthday, and published in
The POM.

Clichés and truisms: bane or bounty? Clichés are sentences or phrases that have been repeated so often they are engraved on our memories. Truisms are statements that are purported to be statements of truth, and in fact many if not most people…



Wry Welwood

Wise Old Man in training, writing about trauma, healing, nature, justice, humor, poems, stories and essays. Father, son, husband, brother, counselor. he/him/his