Concert of Seasons

A prose poem

Era Garg
2 min readMay 6, 2022


Image by Nimish Garg, son of the writer

Morning’s flush frothing on wings of butterflies, moments smeared with luminosity in swelling densities of Sun’s metallic yellow — tearing open grey violet of sky — occasional trill of cicadas enthrall the abundance — rays reflecting fiery colour images — while scented shadows gnaw paths of light

the artistes in blue, coral, fuschia, golden and enchanting hues from palettes beyond imagination — suffusing the green opulence of garden — twigs of trees twisting and twirling with rustle of foliage — what do they intend to stage — cheerful dance forms rhyming with lilt of winds — a concert for celebrating gaiety in transience

amazing stars stepping to the stage energetically — swift ants; red and lamp black — on a hunting spree — inaudible yet lost in a chorus dance — birds feeding chicks staging a humble opera — the flies tapping and swinging a salsa — mesmerized by scents of vines — odour of pelargonium leaves sweetening the melody— spills of shedded petals ceding their scents — merrily riding the wheel of death

locking and popping in a hip hop — aphids tarnishing the green sheen — to be gulped by ladybugs’ bobbing dazzle — wasps dart and pluck juicy caterpillars — enacting flamenco while chomping the lush — a group of bees indulged in belly dance — combing the nectar in the core of flowers — many more grassy creatures frolicking on colourscape — rejoicing the temporary bliss in shush

garden galore teeming with greens, pastels and florid pride — drenched in succulent resplendence — drowned in mellow woody incense— a vivacious stage sans spectators — buoyant with spring’s ecstatic prance —summer’s troupe arriving next — tuning the strings to camouflage dissonance of spring’s verdure — infinitesimally withering to unpleasant brown.

Era Garg May 2022

In response to the Saturday Poetry Prompt “provoking the theatrical” by J.D. Harms in Scrittura.



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.