Scrittura Saturday Prompt / a borrowed stanza

Crow Wisdom

a free verse poem

Published in
1 min readNov 25, 2021


Photo by Raghav Srikanth on Unsplash

The crow voice, a harbinger of danger,
not a question but a statement,
sounds of warning, for the crow sees all —
I was going to ask if you lied,
but the crow got between me and the question,

warning me that you were the danger lurking
not in the dark or the shadows but in the light,
bright in the day of winged things and green leaves,
not hidden or hiding, not clandestine but luminescent,
and the crow saw as the crow always sees,

spying foxes and hawks and owls and you,
knowing what I don’t know or choose to ignore,
we don’t give him, or maybe her, the credit due
for a security system requiring no wires or manuals,
you underestimated the wisdom of the crow

but I won’t, ever again.

© Dennett 2021

In response to another head-scratching prompt from J.D. Harms:




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.