
A poem for a friend

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera
2 min readMay 14, 2021


Composite image including a woman’s profile, seabirds and fractal colors in blues and greens.
Image by author

You roam the land surrounded by opulence
dancing on quintessential lakes
seizing the colors of dawn to paint everything so much more beautiful
than it ever was…
embedding flowers in wet plaster
changing walls into dreams.

Feet of joy glide down to the shore
your freckles mirror a thousand sparkles on the water
swooning blue eyes and Irish laughter
the feathered serpent incarnate
messiah of beauty manifest in breath
nested in the tree of time.

Cherished twin star
we have found our balance
on the corners of your smile
in the knowing of your straight white teeth
your delicate tongue moving like a moth
telling of the river we both drank
the waters we both love
growing up here in the palm of the valley
fed by mountain run-off
riding the high desert winds
worshiping dryads
bringer of mushrooms
kisser of elves
you have music in every part of your soul.

Now, take up the guitar
make love to it like a woman
as we did all those years ago
on magic carpets in Robert’s basement
amidst a thousand scarves
black spider lashes
butterfly wing pigments
painted on the lustful star of youth
the way we exploded into every night like a supernova
weeping chrysanthemums of joy
and no one could look away.

You with your dark hair and my red hair tresses
entangled hanging moss
threads in the cosmic cloth woven close
you are my moonstone
keeper of the tiny rainbow
rare cactus bloom that sits among the needles
gazing at the expanse of creation
being kissed by the sky.

Andrea Juillerat-Olvera 2021

Immense gratitude to my dear and life-long friend Jenn McIntosh!

