
A Poem

Amna Fiaz
1 min readSep 14, 2020


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

my soul feels confined
and the mind that drowns
In the waters of misery.
Darkness fills the air;
seeping inside
my tortured mind,
and slips through
my searching hands
that look for a respite.
Eyes forever open
looking for a spark
or beacon of hope
in forever cold
eternal night
Despair reigns in the void
with no way out.
I feel helpless,
I am resigned
to the cruel hand, I was dealt
and this fate of mine
My wish is only
to be free
from these shackles
Soon I will be dust
and turn to nothing
forgotten and forlorn
from this endless
my hands grasp
the elusive savior;
I rest in his arms
amidst the welcoming silence

@Amna Fiaz 2020



Amna Fiaz

An enthusiast writing about life, emotions and expressions that wants to be able to talk and be heard.