Dragon Feathers

03 April 2021 Saturday Poetry Prompt: say that again?

Ann Marie Steele


Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

once he summoned the nerve to square-up and declare himself, upon opening his mouth, cloudy cat’s-eye marbles and blue morpho butterflies spilled from his pressed lips- Barry Dawson IV “Tasty Quid Pro Quo”

Spilling from his pressed lips
Malbec lingering on his palette
grazing her soft skin
lingua like butterflies tickling her muse
fluttering a cerulean rainbow
arching across domed dark skies

sprinkling locution as
her albino soul effloresced
effortlessly sprouting wings
magnificent dragon feathers
sweet like vermouth
propagating dulcet gem-tones

sketching sanguine lyrics
drip, drip dropping
in and out of her blank pages
seeing past marbled eyes
painting her alabaster soul
a crystal so brilliant that
his butterflies giggled
around the sun
for more than one day
planting a cocoon in her heart.



Ann Marie Steele

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.