In Memory of Brooke Alexandra (11/17/01–12/12/01)

Dreams Unfulfilled

A poem

Ann Marie Steele
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2024


Image by author; 12/11/2001; Seattle, WA. Pictured from left: Brandon (age 3), Brashaw (age 5), Baby Brooke, and author holding baby.
Image by author, December 11, 2001, Seattle, WA; Pictured left, Brandon, Bradshaw, Brooke, and author

Could’ve —
danced at her recitals
pink tutus, black tights
dark pigtails twirling
Daddy’s little girl.

Would’ve —
been tangled in wires
monitored to this day
helpless, devastated
unaware eternally.

Will be —
a dream unfulfilled
the baby sister
in Mommy’s tummy
who never came home.

Could’ve —
donned matching
mother-daughter get-ups
smart, strong, sassy,
what Mommy never was.

Would’ve —
choked on every breath,
bright lights
beeping intrusions
asleep permanently

Will be —
a bittersweet memory
a mere snapshot in time
photos in a scrapbook
amid crumbling flowers from her grave.



Ann Marie Steele

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.