Eros’s Arrows

Jac Harmony
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2021

Prose Poem: A Scrittura Prompt

serenity_seeker — Pixabay

Oh, what vexing torment troubles me, upon which Eros has imbued with arrows planted; golden hued — May he stumble for his latest ruse.

My love, my heart it swoons at your behest, as rainbows bow upon your breasts, and angels sing at your request — What causes this ache that strangles me so?

The heavens shine before your eyes and here I stand quite hypnotized — Unable to speak, unable to utter a word; for fear that my heart may jump out of my chest — No, for fear that you might turn away — Has Hypnos played a trick on me, to fall, to fail, to misery?

My love, the Sky Lark sings aloud your name, and every sunrise strikes a flame — With vibrant hues I can’t explain, and every sunset does the same. Just bring the rain — Still, even raindrops cannot contain the way your touch can make me feel.

Aphrodite, hast thou placed a curse on me, to love with fervent cause? Eros, does thou play upon my soul, to start a love that never was? Or is it Chaos that behests this lover’s game?

Please, set us free and let us be — This budding ardor need not flee — Oh fatal love, our bodies pine in ways we cannot see.

The verdant field cannot conceal the way our music is revealed — Nor the echoes that we yield, upon the verdant field. To fall upon such sudden bliss that lingers through our fervent kiss, such pleasure I don’t want to miss — The sweetest honey I will cherish beyond the river Styx.

Oh, what lovely torment livens me, upon which Eros has imbued with arrows planted; golden hued — May we love just like his greatest muse, Psyche.

©️2021, Jac Harmony All rights reserved

Thank you J.D. Harms for the awesome Wednesday prompt: speaking with Eros. I don’t fancy myself as being any good at writing prose poetry, but I did enjoy writing this very much. For that I am grateful for the opportunity to try something new.



Jac Harmony

Reader of beautiful words and a dreamer of creating literary art. I love to explore and try my hand at different poetry forms. Every moment is a muse!