Fading Lights

In pursuit sublime

Viraji Ogodapola


Photo by Jaclyn Moy on Unsplash

when that which we hold profuse
falls through the fingertips loose
grip is but a predicament of life
pelting in bouts, the relentless strife

sapid sentience in lucid flamboyance
flustered torsos merrier in carousel
placid sage of discerning clairvoyance
conquering with mind the desires ample

drawing lines fine in triumphant revelry
walking on the tightrope, one-a-step aborning
Oh! to wake up in nonchalant freed apathy
different not, to either morning or mourning

to see the light and then to fade away
clutched lifelines, borrowed breaths astray
stretched arms reaching not at utter dismay
for I am not, here to stay!



Viraji Ogodapola

ashes dusted away in morph, in that moment next I’d be.. for now, here I am, grappling in just being..