Find your stillness

Toss out the haste, the craze, the rat race

Georgiana Petec


British Columbia, Canada — author’s pic

Compare the particles of light shining on water,
as futile as comparing yourself
to the crowds on Instagram or Facebook,
because there’s no two of a kind,
you are unique.

So why hang on to illusions
that working harder, rushing more,
not giving yourself a respite
to notice your constant journey,
would get you closer?

Toss out the haste, the craze, the rat race,
freeze your body in a moment
of your choice, one with fragrance
conceived for your breathing,
that you feel you adore and enjoy.

Copyright © 2021 by Georgiana Petec. All rights reserved.

Thank you J.D. Harms for today’s prompt, and for your tireless work at Scrittura.

And thank you all so much for reading.



Georgiana Petec

Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here.