Front Teeth, Canines

A spoken word about some of my quirks

Lens of Rose


Image by Author

Self-deprecating comedy
Spills naturally around closed gaps
Between teeth, now removed
Leaving front teeth, canines

My palette an unbalanced mix
Of naive sweetness
A sourness from being bitten
And umami just for balance

But I think my homemade haircut
And outlandish stance
Always sets me off-kilter
Just like my face: Picasso’s envy

Sometimes I gotta write stuff down
Before ideas become simple thoughts
And those thoughts get lost in space
And become a screaming baby
Being pulled through a black hole

My face reigns in my disorders
And masks what you’d least expect
Whilst smiling at you, sweetly
With front teeth, canines.

© Rose Butcher, 2021. All rights reserved.

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Lens of Rose

Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥