Going Through the Motions

10 February 2021 Wednesday Prose Poem Prompt: routines

J.D. Harms


I am not even thinking aloud anymore, dressing for gods alone know what, if you can call it “dressed”. I’m not naked, or not all the time. Belligerent sunlight stirs up dust; it’s always stirring shit up. I have coffee number six, wondering who else gets to do this…

who wants to do this, this garbled translation of destiny, of the sainted moon not willing to actually do its work and pull me the fuck out. I can wander through the lost lives, at least, making people say different things

then glance out the window to do something slightly different. Only, the ordinary has long ago evaporated. If you’re looking for what’s still clinging you walk to the laundry closet. And it all still stings, somehow, this resignation in the face of repetition.

J.D. Harms 2021


Some of us get a little too attached to our routines, and gods know I’m no exception. The rest of the day is open to interpretation, but there’s a specific order I like to take in the mornings, without which I devolve into a sniveling excuse for a human being. And, sometimes, there’s always pushing through. For today’s prompt, consider your relationship with routines. What’s important to you? What can you not live without…



J.D. Harms

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.