How We Got Here 101

Greed, Power, and Dirty Little Secrets

Historically covert, but now manifest in the Republican House culture.

Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2023


The greed, no, avarice, and power-mongering that makes people do things that people of principle would resist has permeated the Republican side of the People’s House so much so that it is obvious even to the most uninitiated. Why else would they behave so unconscionably as to accept the trust of “the people” to positions of such gravity and then ignore and endanger the same people in their self-indulgent pursuits of such unrighteous and egregious agendas? I know, it’s exhausting, but can you say it any better?

Why is it so much more apparent in Republicans than Democrats you ask?

That’s easy. Unrelenting organizations and individuals with right-leaning conservative agendas and deep pockets, let’s call them the NRA, back candidates for public office that their research shows have a propensity for corruptibility, a lust for wealth, are shameless, and are willing to sell their souls for fame and power.

Whether or not the ends justify the means,
The means expose our true nature.
The means matter more than the ends,
For, in the end, we are judged by the means.

Then, once elected, these freshman house members are covertly indoctrinated, led astray, and compromised by the NRA to the point when they have accrued so many improprieties and dirty little secrets that they can nary afford to disobey their benefactor’s wishes and expect to continue with their misappropriated and misconceived position of power, fame, and fortune.

And here we are.

How can this menace to society be dismantled you ask?

I believe we can. First, congress needs to be shamed, guilted, or otherwise persuaded into enacting severe punitive ethics codes that are monitored and audited. Second, we need term limits. Being a servant of the people was never intended to be a long and lucrative career. That’s why they’re called “public servants”. Third, Congress needs to make it illegal to lobby other than in a formal public setting.
Then the NRA’s only option for advancing its agenda will be to win over enough of the voting public to get representatives elected that are sympathetic to their causes.

I’d love to live long enough to see that day come, for my descendant’s sake.

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