Scrittura Saturday Prompt / swallowing speech

Gun-Gray Metal

free verse poem

Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2021


Image by H G from Pixabay

I meant it but didn’t mean to say it
thoughts spilled into words that
never should have been

truth isn’t always necessary and
certainly not recommended, when
feelings mean more than facts

words the color of gun-gray
ricocheted off your face,
stunned in its offense

I should have stopped, could have,
but didn’t because you can’t halt
a bullet stream of words

that taste like metal, acidy and cold,
a flavor as hard as my heart
at that one moment

that may change everything forever,
no amount of sugar can sweeten the future
no amount of soap can wash this mouth

the words are gone and so are you
but I remain along with the taste of
gun-gray metal.

© Dennett 2021

In response to this Saturday prompt by J.D. Harms:




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.