Herbs without Hashtag


Era Garg
1 min readMay 29, 2021


Calotropis, a common weed; photo credit to the author

Colourless roots too deep in earth tangled up with clods and pebbles, suckling the soil for life-giving sap, dotting and denting the in-between haze,
springing forth to lock eyes with sky, above the stubble of mowed grass those tiny green shoots
neither sought after nor ploughed yet uncoiling from stranger seeds thronging with plop,
giggle in splash of the aqua sunrays, strum when wind playfully graze, dance in gratitude step to step thinking the whole planet to be their stage,
a cherubic progeny of unknown lineage, beating the sparkle of buds grudgingly pushing up the jalousies to let out colour glaze,
I hoe the earth to loosen and pull out unyielding brats braving the blow just sway to and fro, bashing the spade, coercing my surrender to ceaseless throbbing; vivacious and plucky in garden’s maze,
For lambasting herbage those unbidden scars proved living lessons in the fullness of time, enhancing garden in a never before way, to the persevering vitality I reverently bow.

In response to the Wednesday prompt ‘capitulation’ by J.D. Harms in Scrittura.

Era Garg May 2021



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.