Heroes of the Quill

with wisdom buried in scrolls

Viraji Ogodapola
3 min readFeb 13, 2021


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Of times that once were, or moments unsavory
That come and go, beguiling desires summoned
For holding on, else to let go in unswerving bravery
Tales spun on spirits of magical worlds from beyond

Vast wisdom buried in scrolls epic
Much indebted I am to see thy pic
Spelled out in libretto verbose splendid
gratifying all naivete duly apprehended

Alas, beloved Carbon-based Bipeds¹ of the dot pale blue²
You’re not there, nowhere near, mankind so unkind
The battle’s not in the bullets triggered vengefully strong
But in lasting peace ‘n energy for dear life to prolong

That’s Sir Clarke¹ nodding in sheer disapproval
With Sagan² coming closely behind remorseful
But it’s all in the name, Lahiri³ would claim
And you’d have to agree, if only for the blame

Ondaatje⁴ charms me bringing me to my knees
Whilst Crichton⁵ wracks my brain in a spree
But there’s always Coelho⁶ to calm me down
When thoughts of mine run amok with Roy⁷

Holding fast unto quotes from Kareauc⁸, Gibran⁹ and Merton¹⁰
Hoping they’d keep me company alongside the raven
It’s the words of Poe¹¹, Blake¹² and Frost¹³ in times despair
That revealed all the miles to go far and elsewhere

I cling onto me dear life, gasping for that
very air breathed out by them sages highbrow
Tethered onto the lifeline of tunnel’s light
With promise of better day in that know-how

Now I’m running out of space for the Bard¹⁴
And all the others that molded me life hard
But there’s room for one more hero
With words so stark and thoughts abstract

The verse I devour my tea with every morning
What would JD do, when words die with no warning
Rock on, write on, dear friends,
he’d for sure ascertain, I’d bet!



Viraji Ogodapola

ashes dusted away in morph, in that moment next I’d be.. for now, here I am, grappling in just being..