Prose Poetry

Holding On

Fast on to letting go

Viraji Ogodapola


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

What did You say, again?

Making deliberate excuses — talking your way out of the head — and the tepid brook waiting for the feet. Having to make way — for the falling leaves dancing their way down aiming for an unblemished landing.

the sole purpose of their existence being to fatefully shatter at your weary feet — while you try to leave your mark somewhere — with the undeniable sentient knowledge that somehow this is all responsible for the shape of the grand Orion in the night sky.

Your varied perspectives getting diffused in a myriad of elated joys — notwithstanding the sated desires. Making your way to raving reviews on nihilism — but succeeding on account of agnosticism — dwelling in on the sordid lapse of memory — forgetting what was said and done — for sake of clarity.

Gloated frontal lobes audaciously pushing the cranium to limits — but you stomach it all down there in the bloated gut with a decent caw — masked — keeping to the protocol.

You walk away gallantly marveling at the universes you have brought into being — taking pride in the picture you can portray — with long strides to make it elaborate. Graceful. Chuckling heartily at the prospect of being the centre of a giant cosmic joke.

Losing the grip on your oxymoronic state of being — steadfast on a mission to abandon all things that define you. Attached so true to detachment. Holding fast on to letting go.

Watching them the sentient beings in the other perspective — holding bodies against beautiful words spoken — trying to save universes — talking in different languages, saying the same things — with much to be accomplished in the living years.

You know you’ve said too much. And not enough.

Viraji Ogodapola



Viraji Ogodapola

ashes dusted away in morph, in that moment next I’d be.. for now, here I am, grappling in just being..