I Confess

31 July 2021 Saturday Poetry Prompt: just because you love the sound

J.D. Harms


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Three monstrous syllables – already programmed towards the error – and yet I like the fucking rhythm

the additional “s” to begin – to end – set up a mad shrine right in the middle of Stephen St –

trio that lifts an ordinary dialogue – fictional confetti – the great groaning of so many prayers – not all of them sexual –

– inclination mused into the concentric feel of the brain chewing on certain words –

certain words that insist on the dress pulled back on – the shoes replaced on bare feet –

a kind of warmth – chosen and habitual – actually I would love to stop saying

“actually” – continue to reach for some elevation and precision –

to canvass the liminal for what we mean – taking the unicorn by the horn –

J.D. Harms 2021


Melissa Coffey and I recently chuckled over a shared love of certain words, spurred by my use of “exculpate” in an ordinary conversation. That inspired this prompt. As always, thank you, Melissa. We all have words we like the feel of, the way they come out of the mouth, the way your inner ear begins dancing, as if already prompted…



J.D. Harms

Writing to share beauty and pain. None of us are alone in either.