I Ran Away

Breathe peacefully

Ann Mary Alexander
Sep 30, 2023


At the midnight hour, I ran
away from honeycomb houses -
concrete structures they called ‘home’
towards the open field

where snakes and nocturnals thrive.
Regaining my breath,

I walked along the overgrown grass.
I stared deeply at the night sky

where the stars took guard.
I felt sane for some time
away from the hustle and bustle of life.
‘It’s beautiful’, I murmured.
A long time since I heard my voice.
Like a carefree child, I followed the fireflies,
luminescent glow embraced my enslaved heart.
I could stay here forever.
Anything for free may lose its charm.
When busy life stuffed its truth into my head,
it was refreshing to see nature at its best.

