

On reality, appearances, and the self

Pablo Pereyra


Photo by Pablo Pereyra (2024)

I can no longer distinguish
between reality and the dreams

This image of me
I try not to see
(Remove this from my retina,
turn me into a blind man)

They call me pain.
Why would anyone choose to pour
their hopes and dreams upon this vessel?

The pain is self-inflicted
the suffering radiates
to whom are near and close.

Do we ever ask ourselves,
how do we turn this ship around?

May my life serve as a cautionary tale

of who one can become
when not knowing ourselves
we let ourselves fall -blinded-
for the illusions of the day,
so real

I refuse all help.
Let the sinking ship descend into the abyss
for an eternity of contemplation
a grave to the mariners and captain
the rudder is now useless to command
the pilot still attached is to the wheel

Maya, maya,
what is this sight I hold?

Maya, maya,
did I hold eternity in your bosom?

Were the tears made of joy,
or of despair?

tell me,
is this a camouflage,
my skin?

Empty is the space inside the vowels,
hiding behind words,
truth hider,
not speaking up,
false prophet

Is what I fear,
the fall of my skin?
This loss of face
against reality
ultimate nakedness?

To see myself as in a mirror
no more pretense
bare body exposed
why didn’t I wash before you came,

How to love myself,
now I’m naked and alone?
Left of the idea of me
On a distant memory
a perennial heart

Is it the illusion of me you want?
Why do I hold to it so dearly?

Pablo Pereyra 2024. Thank you for reading.



Pablo Pereyra

Finding inspiration in movement. Searching for identity.