Individual Frame

11 July 2020 Saturday Poetry Prompt: support

J.D. Harms


Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Good riddance to last year’s
the burning up of snow
was ignored, unmourned

I light up
sleep outside the sheets
scrounge for something clear
to put on

Recognition & compensation
have stayed far away
& maybe for good

But this hill goes on
throwing me down
just until I get the escalator

J.D. Harms 2020


Write a poem, or any other kind of writing, using the word support; it doesn’t have to contain exactly that word: your piece might use the concepts or attributes of the word. Tag me in it (J.D. Harms). You can either send it to this publication or make it a stand-alone piece. If you would not like to send it to us, make sure to leave a comment below with a link to the story.

The Scrittura Team

Muralikrishnan B Wendell McQuary Dana Sanford Eli Snow Suzanne V. Tanner Dewain Belgard Kind Regards emma poe



J.D. Harms

Former hairstylist, perpetual philosophy student, swallowed by poetry, writing, ideas