Israel | Hostages | Conflict | War and Loss | Scrittura

Israel at War — Living in Moments, A Dichotomy

We carry them with us, and wait for them to come home, those who still can. We will never forget any of their voices.

Monica G
Published in
8 min readAug 31, 2024


Photo by Gaspar Uhas on Unsplash

It sneaks up on you.

Today I was in the car, on my way home from dropping our 9 year old off at tennis. The news came on. Not sure what it’s like in the U.S. because frankly it’s been so long since I lived there that I don’t remember, and I didn’t often listen to the radio there (I don’t often here either, only in the car), but in Israel, every hour there is a news update.

It was 6:00 pm, and they did a piece called “hear their voices” wherein they now feature messages the hostages left for loved ones at some point before their capture. An innocent “I’m coming home for the weekend, and you’d better get ready for me to be all up in your space, because I miss you and I want to spend as much time together as possible” from one of the young women still in captivity, Romi Gonen, 23 years old, kidnapped from the Nova Music Festival. Between traffic and weather and of course updates on the war we’re fighting on many fronts. You expect sad news, but sometimes they come as unexpected gut punches.



Monica G

Writer, marketer, educator, reader, Mom, ally, liberal. ❤️ languages, humor, food, puns & dad jokes, dark humor, sports, TV, poetry/fiction U.S./Brasil/Israel