Leave The Sugar

A Prose Poem

Xandra Winters
2 min readAug 16, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

the days blend together like slow-melting caramel on tasteless tongues—your energy still sticks to the crumbling walls—an amber, honey glaze that fills my evenings with the sweet nothings you let linger behind—and so, i’m all that remains—corroded to the gum—left drowning in the syrup of your neglect.

leave the sugar, take the salt.

i wither beneath the salt of my wounds—weathering the aches, and sighs of a lifetime that slipped through my honeyed fingers—my pollen was not filling enough for your jagged-teethed appetite—and so, i lost you somewhere between the corner of rapaciousness, and capriciousness—left to watch you vanish into the viscidity of the city.

leave the satiety, take the hunger.

dawn breaks through the eternity of midnight, and i am bathed anew—bathed in the blooming roses of truth—your sugary words were never really made of sugar after all—just a fucking lie—just a thin veil of glucose hiding the venom beneath—and so, i was the girl you smothered with molasses—an unwitting sacrifice to your coveted narcissism—left to decompose among the others.

leave my power, take your pride.

there are no more saccharine strands holding me here—the candy-coating has turned corrosive, and sour—i dig myself out of the sticky grave you buried me in—honey bees kiss my feet, and lick away the remnants of you that cling to my flesh—flowers unfurl, and spring up to meet my tender hands—perhaps my pollen was more than you bargained for.

leave my sweetness, take your bitterness.

Xandra Winters ©️ 2021



Xandra Winters

A small town queer artist moonlighting as a poet/author. Themes you may find here are: love, loss, growth, mental health, and the queer experience.