Let Us Fly
A Poem
A beautiful tree,
Its branches spreading out wide,
Laden with cherries.
Tiny but juicy,
Like precious fleeting moments,
Some sour, mostly sweet.
Though not for the ones,
Who crave for limitless space,
Those with endless needs.
They smile and rejoice,
As they fell our lovely tree,
With no trace of guilt.
No pity, no grief,
As they render us homeless,
For the space they need.
And we take shelter,
In the small birdhouse they hang,
For their eyes to soothe.
But we are creatures,
With no weight of useless thoughts,
Therefore, let us fly!
And welcome the sun,
This beautiful morning sky!
Oh! Now let us fly!
With gratitude and in response to the prompt by Wry Welwood.