Liquid Stars

A poem

Era Garg
1 min readJan 14, 2022


Watercolour on paper by the writer

Early morning blooms out
on drenched night with
rain reticulating stillness,
droplets entranced by
smouldering dreams
rise in misty wisps
absorbing liquid stars,
orchestra of crickets
oozing out of bushes
blinded by the wet wind
jarring on the windows,
additions, subtractions
of darkness and light
stipple a myriad elephant
sleep-walked from
forest to highway nearby
under precipitating sky
to dissolve in salt of time,
a distant tring of a bicycle
and clank of milk-cans,
sudden swishes of water
trickling under gravity,
streaks of velvety tannins
in last evening's cheery
teacups gleaming drab,
lilt of kettle burnishing in
fresh caffeine breaths,
dawn flame the darkness
over inflamed horizon
pouring chirps of birds,
moments uncurl to kiss
the withering star above
gray canopies of trees,
half-slept, half-awake
earth in cosmic voyage
moves on with poise.

In response to the Saturday prompt 'Early Morning' by J.D. Harms in Scrittura.

Era Garg January 2022



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.