Looking for the White Flag

A poem about insomnia

Ana-Maria Schweitzer


Photo by Sonder Quest on Unsplash

I linger in my bed of penitence,
glued by repetitive thoughts
that hang from every strand of hair.

Ideas and images sting through my scalp
in a chaotic buzz, no one hears but me.
My overgrown body aches,
just as Gulliver’s might have ached
as he laid on 600 small beds sewn together.

I open my eyes
looking for the white flag
that can stop the fight.

I am here, in the darkness,
focusing on the present in a pointless attempt to escape it.

There is no white flag, just some white sheets
twisted shamelessly by my side.

They look like my shed body,
finally finding its rest.

Ana-Maria Schweitzer

In response to the prompt “insomnia” by J.D. Harms
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