Love In Motion

A Poem About Harmony Recaptured ~



Photo by author

They share a lifetime of memories.
Lovers for half a century.

But in awkward silence they watch tv,
fearing the friction talking might bring.
Love’s muscles ignored had atrophy’d.
So they sit apart together in sullen stillness,
preferring that to a verbal boxing ring.

Both wonders if the other has regrets,
or resigned to this path of least resistance.
Did the other want to forgive and forget,
Or are they doomed to this grim existence?

If one would only yield their vulnerability,
what’s the worst that could happen?
Either their best friend for life accepts them
or they sit together forever separately.

Then one arose,
and with trepidation
walked over to the other.

“I’m sorry, I don’t want you to hurt anymore …
I love you.”

The surprise on the other’s face,
the relief in their eyes.
Both hearts soared.
Not terrible they mused,
to apologize.

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All Rights Reserved

Ridge's Poetry

110 stories




Engaging & exploring alternative points of view. Forming opinions and convictions empirically. Tendering perspectives without apology.