Prose Poetry

Love Letter to my Phone

Oh my beautiful phone, why do you drain my dopamine?



Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Inch-by-inch she crept into my life.

One shiny surface to the next.
Faster, brighter, sleeker.

I was spellbound.
I could not have known,
I could not have foreseen.

One-by-one she fed me the rules,
One-by-one, I consumed.

Until a day, there was no difference between her and me.
I was full of of her,
She was full of me.

The blurry lines of distinction were forsaken.
Now, I spend my days in repentance.

I dare not gaze at her too long for fear of seduction.
As much as she harms me, her beauty is bewitching.

Thank you so much for reading. If my writing resonates with you, you can find more on my Medium Profile.




What: Brain dump of creativity. Why: Building a habit.