Marble Swirl Sky

A mitosis of minds

Ann Marie Steele


Photo by NOAA on Unsplash

Like a hot fudge sundae hopped up on the allurement of evermore
melting molten ice to marble swirl sky — those tidbit chocolate clouds

lip smacking nimbus cotton candy shavings that scatter impressionistic intentions between the fingers of the sky — dusting glitter like an exotic

dancer upon stars that wish for more than shaping life’s vertical horizon stroking lollipop days into slick marmalade nights

shedding light like Eve’s lure— slithering neither here nor there
splitting atoms like my anima — a mitosis of minds

catapulting tomorrow toward today and acceding to evermore
rolling the die once again and dreading those snake eyes

but tossing a sparkling seven — these cards never looked so fine
better top this sundae with a cherry — on top.

Ann Marie Steele

~I was driving west a few weeks ago right before sunset and noticed the sky, the horizon, and the first image that popped into my mind was that of a marble chocolate swirl cake. I have a weakness, for sweets, in particular, chocolate. I didn’t come back to that image for a few weeks, but, this poem (in all of it’s suggestive glory) was the result of that little gem from nature. Thanks for reading. If you liked this, check out another:



Ann Marie Steele

I write about love and loss, what I observe and experience — I write about hope. My writing has been described as resiliently defiant.