Melting Moon

A prose poem

Era Garg
2 min readOct 23, 2021


Image by the writer

A scarlet fireball sinks into universe’s unexcavated depths after spilling spoonfuls of light onto October moon that slurps it instantly to shine for ships and reapers,
Soon after Sun dissolves, I stand alone below the moon hung at horizon, my shadow stringing yellow gratitude and blue pride of my stay on earth as an offering to celestial powers,
a bauble of love holding faint smells of journeys not undertaken, obscure doodles of untrodden paths, a liquid whiff of mountains brooks encountered on the way,
supple feet gripping slippery stones now a bit stiff yet darkness pulls me like a magnetic fulcrum tending feathery ruffles of swinging dreamcatcher,
moonlight drenches trees, houses, stretches of farmlands and earth’s autumn colours seamlessly saturating tints of breathing night,
moon glides on the eyeballs meandering through lashes like a wish that comes true every night but reappears unquenchable as soon as the day is drained again,
A fluff of snow coated the far-off mountains, mesmerizing wind pulls me inside myself, letting windows of eyes open for moonrays to kiss the shell of my soul,
darkness defies iridescent frost, darker nights to follow in congealing season after the moon in October’s realm suckled drop by drop to illumine silvery snowflakes.

This piece is composed in response to the Wednesday prompt 'let there be night' by J.D. Harms in Scrittura.

Era Garg October 2021



Era Garg

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.