Mental Cage

Constanza Poem

Jac Harmony
1 min readSep 4, 2021


Amin RK — Unsplash

Why does the darkness call my name?
Once, hypnotized I looked at stars
pretending that I had no scars.

What reckless venture should I blame?
The time that spirits played with me
then locked me up and hid the key?

My mind’s berated, full of shame;
creating nightmares stained in blood,
these painful thoughts — a crimson flood.

Why do the day’s all feel the same?
An echo screaming, “Deja vu,”
replaying my sins — an endless queue.

My memories I can’t contain;
but, do I want to hold them in
to creep along beneath my skin?

I think it’s time that I reclaim
this life of mine and turn the page —
or be locked in this mental cage.

©️2021, Jac Harmony All rights reserved

A Constanza is a poetry form consisting of five or more stanzas that are three lines each. Each line contains 8 syllables and can be read as individual thoughts or poems, but when placed together, they express a deeper meaning. The rhyme scheme is as follows: abb, acc, add, aee, aff, etc.



Jac Harmony

Reader of beautiful words and a dreamer of creating literary art. I love to explore and try my hand at different poetry forms. Every moment is a muse!