My Garden is the Sky

Poetic reflections on beauty

Jeff Burton
5 hours ago


Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

My garden is the sky,
Acres and acres of it,
Seasons fly across its face
In the hours of a single day,
Blue, white, grey,
All in countless shades
And combinations,
Each display
A once in a lifetime view
Never before
And never again

Dawn and twilight
Fill the earth with colours
Beyond the powers of the rose
And pour magic on the world

And the night!
The deepest blue,
The shards of light,
The ancient vistas
Spinning back through time

To stride through this garden
To pause,
Reflecting in some bower
Of gossamer,
To stretch out a hand
To cradle a star,
And smell the bouquet
Of rare and subtle gases
Would be the bliss
Of greater souls



Jeff Burton

An older Australian poet and author who ought to know better by now but does not. He expects to be famous after he is dead.