My mother’s new significant other

A Poem

Ben Murphy
Jun 16, 2021


Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

If I ever personally meet
My mother’s new significant other
Will he be as I imagined?
Swaggering by in cowboy boots
Preceded by a faint stale smell
The type of guy who likes to wink
Nudging you down the path to hell

He’s in my face everywhere I go
From the shitty bars to the Royal Show
My widowed mum’s no match for him
Her grief has laid her bare
He whispers quotes from American Psycho
As he drags her down to his lair

If I ever personally meet
My mother’s new significant other
Will I have the courage to say
Cancer, let’s step outside
And crush his smirking face to the ground
Or will I hold his offered hand
As he slowly turns the gaslight down

2021 Ben Murphy



Ben Murphy

Aussie, curious, like to think about issues, love to read, dabble in poetry.