Nomadic Ninja

A destitute man’s fantasy

Mark Tulin
Published in
Feb 24, 2021


Photo by the author, Mark Tulin

Eluding the beach patrol,
the wild man brandishes a weapon
of driftwood and sweat,
great and slender is his Katana
on his encampment by the dunes

He spins with one hand,
switching to the other,
enchanting the universe
with his spirit to defend
and sacrifice his life for another

He is a stealth disrupter
with a raccoon tail,
a wiry-haired recluse
with a courageous soul,
turbulent like the sea

He cultivates his art daily,
honoring his ninja ancestors
and his guides, the wind and sun
Camouflaged in deception,
he lives by the nomadic code.

© 2021 Mark Tulin



Mark Tulin

I escaped a therapy career to follow a dream. Poetry/Humor/Sexuality/Doodler/Storyteller —