Photograph by the author SAM 2013


On An Accident – Despite

A Sonnet

Sally A Mortemore
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2021


‘The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings’ — Carl Jung

Walking backwards into the dark a fear
overshadows memory as the hound
from hell leaps time’s dimensions: the surface
shattering in fragments of disbelief.

From a cavernous mouth spittle flies in
drifts of watery motion – paws the size
of spades galloping with intent to plough
headlong – brute power a destructive force.

Demolishing brittle bones on impact
the ground yawns wide a welcome as keen claws
scratch bruised skin in grazes beneath shadows
of trees bare arms blackening the skyline.

The cold enfolds under the mizzling rain:
a numbness of mind despite seething pain.

Sally A Mortemore 2021

Thank you so much for reading 🙏

‘The more one sees of human fate and the more one examines its secret springs of action, the more one is impressed by the strength of unconscious motives and by the limitations of free choice’ — Carl Jung

