
Anu Anniah
Published in
Aug 8, 2023


Image adapted by Anu Anniah using Canva

Without feeling, effort, interest
Just a perfunctory gesture
Meaningless, useless
Why bother?
Why the charade?

A perfunctory wish
Good morning, good day, happy something
For the sake of it
For the sake of what exactly?
The relationship?
Past memories?
For what once was?

A perfunctory conversation
Enquiring about life, the day, stuff
Wasted effort
Towards no goal
Nothing achieved
Nothing gained
Nothing lost
Fooling no one

A perfunctory smile
Where the eyes remain mute
Shout the truth
Where there is no depth
Where emotion does not exist
There is nothing
Just vacuum

Going through the motions
Until forever



Anu Anniah

Author | Writer | Poet. Bangalore, India. Ex-editor — MuddyUm