Plight of the Muse

lost, found and lost

Viraji Ogodapola
Dec 10, 2020


Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

I like this new game
of getting lost and finding myself
over and over again…

the last I stared
the ceiling had it all sorted
but the white elephant
in the room, begging
to be ignored
tripped over the catwalk
stepping on more toes…

so the plot keeps changing
but never too long or too close
for comfort, maybe, to comfort
whichever goes
like either could salvage
the happy ending!

I have a good mind now,
to deport it off,
on the next flight imminent
whichever comes first,
flight or next.
oh but why not,
the imminent mind even.

Viraji Ogodapola



Viraji Ogodapola

ashes dusted away in morph, in that moment next I’d be.. for now, here I am, grappling in just being..