Poem: My Celestial Light

A ray of hope that enlightens the entire universe…

Uzaifa Memon
1 min readDec 14, 2023


Poem: My Celestial Light

Beneath the cosmic canopy, I take flight,
In the layers of the universe, chasing a newer height,
With wings of stardust, I glide by my dreams,
Flowing along the hope in constellations’ streams…

I am an aficionado of the cosmic strands,
Soaking in the power of the shooting stars,
Twirling ecstatically in a cosmic trance,
I celebrate the velvet sky in the arms of the cosmic expanse…

Through meteoric storms and nebulous rivulets,
I chase elusive visions, like fleeting dreams,
In the tapestry of the cosmic night,
I find my purpose, my celestial light…

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” — Robert Byrne

That purpose is a celestial light, isn’t it?

Something that enlightens our world.
Something that kindles our hope.
Just something that helps us get closer to our dream.

Would love to hear your thoughts, please share them in the comments section!

Meanwhile, check out the rest of such masterpieces here.



Uzaifa Memon

Content Creator. Data Analyst. I'm open to experiments but bounce back to writing about tech and writing itself. I ask and answer weird (but helpful) questions!