Poet for Hire: Pay What You Like

The Ballad of the Wooden Writer

Rui Alves


Wherever there’s a heart there’s a will— Rui Alves

Whenever I wander through the Colosseum I feel lost in the rings of this gargantuan writer’s circus
no more than a puppet entwined in a perplexing plot I’m a wooden writer playing along on someone else’s stage

Strings subtly sway silently steering my steps in serendipitous scripted scenes the hand who writes is no more than a gun-for-hire marionette in the drama of everyday dalliances

The writer is a disgraced actor in a surreal vaudeville

I’m a pawn in the playwright’s perplexing play perpetually performing my part in Polyhymnia’s puzzle

Within this masquerade everything is a dé-jà vu scripted in the silent syntax of the algorithm’s grand Carnaval

Inside I silence a scream yearning for salvation
I strive to sever the strings that bind me to the puppeteer’s will
my crimson nails gasping for air while seeking a voice beyond scripted stanzas

In the grand opera house of time I aspire to dethrone the puppetry
to sculpt my story and stage my opus amid the cacophony of this Babel Tower



Rui Alves

Language teacher, linguist, life coach, published author (joined the Army and worked for the EU). A publisher, digital ronin, musician and alchemist of sound.